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The research explores the impact of interactive, multimedia literacy software (ABRA) on the reading skills of early elementary students in Kenya. Twelve grade two English teachers and their students from six schools were randomly divided in half: an experimental group ( N = 180) where ABRA was part of their English Language instruction and a control group ( N = 174) where regular instruction was used. After the pre-test student data were collected, a three-day initial training and planning...
This paper highlights findings from the, 'Advancing learning outcomes for transformational change (A LOT-Change), whose goal was to increase efforts towards securing the future of children living in urban informal settlements. The intervention was implemented in Korogocho and Site 2 respectively. This paper looks at the narratives from girls, boys and their parents and seeks to answer the question, "From the minds of adolescents: What has worked for them in an education intervention in the...
The objective of the paper is to re-examine the mother–child education achievement hypothesis, by re-examining the effect of mother's education, on math and literacy test scores of children in Kenya. Data come from the classroom Education Research Programme at the African Population and Health Research Centre which was collected between January and March 2012. Since pupils are nested within schools, we fitted a two-level random intercept model. Our findings show that mothers' and fathers'...
The objective of the paper is to re-examine the mother-child education achievement hypothesis, by re-examining the effect of mother's education, on math and literacy test scores of children in Kenya. Data come from the classroom Education Research Programme at the African Population and Health Research Centre which was collected between January and March 2012. Since pupils are nested within schools, we fitted a two-level random intercept model. Our findings show that mothers' and fathers'...
Research shows that fathers' level of education predicts achievement of both boys and girls, with significantly greater effect for boys. Similarly, mothers' level of education predicts the achievement of girls but not boys. This study tests the mother–child education achievement hypothesis, by examining the effect of mothers' education on the maths test score of children, using data from 71 schools across 6 districts in Kenya. The findings of a multilevel random intercept model, based on a...
Parental involvement in their children's schooling is in recognition that establishing the context in which a child attends school is important. Reading to Learn (RtL)was implemented in two districts of Kwale and Kinango in Kenya and of Amolatar and Dokolo in Uganda. This paper looks at parental involvement and their experiences with RtL. Data are obtained from survey responses at baseline and focus group discussions with parents at endline. Findings indicate that parents are key actors in...
This paper explains sustained effects and what worked for students in the Advancing Learning Outcomes and Transformational (ALOT Change III) program. Data comes from qualitative narratives from the baseline survey of the program collected by the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) between December 4, 2019, and January 31, 2020, using focus group discussions (FGDs) and dialogues. The analysis followed the Miles and Huberman (1994) framework to make comparisons and contrasts....
This paper explains sustained effects and what worked for students in the Advancing Learning Outcomes and Transformational (ALOT Change III) program. Data comes from qualitative narratives from the baseline survey of the program collected by the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) between December 4, 2019, and January 31, 2020, using focus group discussions (FGDs) and dialogues. The analysis followed the Miles and Huberman (1994) framework to make comparisons and contrasts....
Information Communication Technology (ICT) has revolutionized the way different sectors in developed and developing countries operate. They have pervaded modern societies as tools for transforming education systems, supporting economic development through the creation of new products and services, providing access to information and expertise to support improvements in agriculture, health and education, and connecting communities, teachers and students. Education sector in many countries...
This article reports on a study of classroom interaction in Kenyan primary schools carried out as part of a national baseline study for the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development in 1998. The baseline was designed to provide a comprehensive picture of the quality of primary education so as to allow the Kenyan Government to prioritise expenditure on resources to improve education in the republic and to assess the impact of any interventions. Video recordings of 102 lessons in...
Reports on a study of classroom interaction in Kenyan primary schools. Analyzes video recordings of 102 lessons in English, mathematics, and science using systematic observation, discourse analysis, and a time-line analysis. Reveals the preponderance of teacher dominated lessons with little opportunity for student interaction. Considers educational needs of Kenyan teachers. (CAJ)
Contemporary dance in East Africa, specifically Kenya, is a newly emerging art form informed by the political drive of a small number of choreographers. In this article, I discuss Kenyan choreographer Opiyo Okach’s contribution to dance training as exemplified through theShift…centre Series 10which was performed at The Place, London, October, 2009. The research for this writing draws on observations of dance rehearsals, workshops and performances and interviews conducted during a number of...
The paper utilized a document analysis technique and qualitative interviews to provide a comprehensive understanding of the "Free SHS" policy in Ghana, which remains illusory to many Ghanaian students. First, a preliminary study which involved analysis of prior literature (n = 12) on the policy was conducted. Interviews involving ten teachers from Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), and five private school teachers were conducted to validate the findings from the preliminary...
Teachers are supposed to adapt their teachinglearning process based on classroom interaction to suit the learning conditions of learners to produce a complete learning community that is intellectually and behaviourally sound. This can only be achieved in a serene, friendly, and collaborative environment. This study determined the effects of consensus and cooperative reflective journal writing instructional strategies on students' achievement in biology, with gender moderating at two levels....
The strabismus conception of masculinity and power with its manipulation as reflected in the consequences of actions endorsed and demonstrated by leaders, followers, citizens as individuals and groups at different times in the past, and present has been a major source of the seemingly quiescence and underdevelopment in Africa. Masculinity has often been associated with being athletic, breadwinner, objective, sexually aggressive, unemotional, dominating, etc.; while power is frequently...
The Kikuyu seminar, third in a series of international meeting on the use of comparative studies as a tool of adult education, focused on the application of the comparative approach to developing countries, particularly Africa. Essential components of the structure of adult education were divided into main sectors, which are individually discussed within the document: (1) goals of adult education; (2) content of adult education; (3) providing agencies; (4) administration and finance; (5)...
Since 1987, many activities have been undertaken by the African Association for Literacy and Adult Education (AALAE). Perhaps the most important program activity has been the building of institutional capacities in the adult education movement. Important elements are organizational development, networking and solidarity, management development training, and small grants. Networks have been instituted to help members develop and implement programs. Under the Catalytic Initiatives Program,...
A study explored how reading literacy is related to academic achievement among 14-year-old students in Kenya. The International Evaluation and Educational Assessment Association (IEA) Reading Literacy Test was used for measuring reading literacy, and the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) was used for measuring academic achievement. It was hypothesized that there are degrees of variation in correlation between reading literacy and each subject area a student opts for at KCPE. It...
Concerned primarily with interactive radio for instruction, this issue highlights radio projects in developing countries that have proven to be a successful tool for educational development. These include: (1) an experimental project designed to investigate the feasibility of using radio as a medium of instruction in the teaching of elementary school mathematics, used in Nicaragua from mid-1974 to early 1979; (2) the Radio Language Arts Project, a direct follow up to the Nicaraguan Radio...
Research on the role of educational radio in the classroom sponsored by the Agency for International Development over a ten-year period in Nicaragua, Kenya, and the Dominican Republic is reviewed. An introductory section outlines the reasons for using radio for instructional purposes: (1) it is widespread and democratic; (2) serious radio use is still a novelty in most classrooms; (3) it can entertain and teach simultaneously; (4) it can establish a uniform standard of excellence; (5) it can...
Publication type
- Blogs (1)
- Journal articles (451)
- Reports (52)
Publication year
- Between 2000 and 2024 (4)
- Unknown (550)