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The paper examines the linguistic situation in Kenya and the teaching of Kiswahili in its schools. While there is widespread support for the school programme, the paper concludes that there are major problems to be overcome, particularly in the areas of attitudes, teacher training and course materials. General expressions of support for Kiswahili are of little value without effective interventions in these areas.
The writer discusses four important lessons learned while using the World Wide Web to locate a student's grandmother in Kenya. These lessons are that Web material has the potential to support global understanding, that the knowledge encoded in the Web results in serendipitous learning, that there is a need to critically investigate the Web's store of knowledge, and that the Web is far from worldwide. The writer describes InfoNation, an easy-to-use two-step database that allows the user to...
This book examines literacy for sustainable development in the age of information. It begins by discussing the relationship between literacy and hegemony, social policy, national language policy, colonial relations, and postcolonial realities. Also discussed in the introduction are views and definitions of literacy and considerations in mapping a typology of literacy. Part 1 explores the theoretical frameworks of literacy and the disparate ways literacy has featured in academic discourse....
The Sudanese civil war that began 15 years ago has resulted in famine and a disruption of education. An information officer at Operation Lifeline Sudan headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, has said that continued support for education in the region is vital so that people can learn basic skills and help rebuild the country. Education can also help to restore hope and security for thousands of children.
In this document, leading educators from 12 African Commonwealth countries trace the development of adult education in Africa and show how providers of adult education outside the formal education system (including government and nongovernment organizations, trade unions, women's groups, and religious organizations) have met the needs of their nations by providing various types of education and training, including agricultural extension and literacy, health, and political education. The...
This document is a comprehensive report a subregional seminar for eastern and southern African countries on the Jua Kali movement. (Jua Kali, "hot sun" in Swahili, refers to the informal or nonformal sector of the economy.) Section 1 explains the role of the International Project on Technical and Vocational Education (UNEVOC) in the development of technical and vocational education and training (TVET). The following opening and closing speeches are provided in Section 2: "Introductory...
Part of a special section on development education in Great Britain. Some activities that are being used to introduce students to human rights issues are discussed. A lecturer at the University of Brighton is working with 12 secondary schools in a project to introduce human rights through dance work, six- and seven-year-olds in London's Tower Hamlets have undertaken a project on Kenya, and students at a primary school in Rochdale write letters on behalf of prisoners of conscience and participate in multicultural math.
This research project examined the potential role of agricultural experiences as a vehicle for meeting the diverse learning needs of rural primary students in developing countries. Volume 1 of the project report represents a literature review that investigated a "new role" for agriculture as a key element for developing rural students' basic skills of literacy and numeracy. Volume 2, the second phase of the project, involved case studies of four developing countries in which...
Reviews the literature on second language medium of instruction and educational achievement in Kenya using classroom data from English, Kiswahili, and mother tongue mathematics lessons and from lessons where code switching occurred. Argues that regardless of the instructional medium, a transmissional model of teaching and learning predominates. Discusses the importance of teacher education programs based on the realities of the local situation. (33 references) (Author/CK)
This book contains 13 papers on the socioeconomic development, legal, gender, philosophical, and human rights dimensions of state governance within the context of social, economic, and political processes in Sierra Leone and Kenya. The Political Literacy and Civic Education (PLACE) Project, which was sponsored by the British Overseas Development Administration through the International Community Education Association, is credited with being the book's catalyst. The following papers are...
In this book, the former coordinator of the Technical Assistance Project of the African Association for Literacy and Adult Education (AALAE) provides an insider's account of the corruption, political management, and organizational mismanagement of the AALAE in 1991-1996. Chapter 1 introduces six myths regarding nongovernmental organizations (NGOs): NGOs have the capacity to reach the poor and vulnerable; NGOs are better placed than governments to address the needs of the poor and vulnerable;...
An introduction (Maurice Amutabi et al.) begins this 25-chapter book on adult education and training (AET) in a context of globalization. Chapter titles and authors are as follows: "The Impact of Globalization on Adult Education (AE)" (Ove Korsgaard); "In Defense of Civil Society: Canadian AE in Neo-Conservative Times" (Michael Welton); "Women, Poverty, and AE in Chile" (Teresa Quiroz Martin); "The State, Civil Society, and the Economy: AE in Britain" (Keith Jackson); "Globalization from...
This serial issue contains a total of 26 articles grouped under five headings: "Adult Learning: A Key for the Twenty-First Century (Fifth International Conference on Adult Education (Confintea V))"; "Trends in Adult Education Policy" (Belanger); "Adult Education in Modern Times" (Geissler); "From Criticism to Constructiveness" (Torres); "An Uninvited Speaker Is Asked to Leave, But He Doesn't Go..." (Aramendy); "Small Farmers of La Cocha" (Calle); "The Botina de la Cruz Family Farm" (Corrales...
A study explored how reading literacy is related to academic achievement among 14-year-old students in Kenya. The International Evaluation and Educational Assessment Association (IEA) Reading Literacy Test was used for measuring reading literacy, and the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) was used for measuring academic achievement. It was hypothesized that there are degrees of variation in correlation between reading literacy and each subject area a student opts for at KCPE. It...
Intended to provide a natural and positive way to introduce young children to the stories told by different ethnic groups, this paper suggests a series of language activities that adapt folktales from around the world for classroom use to enable young children to read the stories for themselves. The paper notes that these activities are particularly appropriate for children of minority groups whose feelings of self-worth can be increased as they find themselves reflected in the stories they...
The two parts of this book consider two main facets of nonformal curriculum development: theory and practice. Part I on nonformal curriculum theory has four chapters. Chapter 1 addresses the origins, meaning, purpose, and scope of nonformal education. Chapter 2 examines three major themes in discussions on nonformal education: nonformal education as an instrument of positive change, as a social control mechanism, and the context. Chapter 3 explores the rationale. Chapter 4 examines the...
This issue focuses on several efforts in maternal and child health education and environmental sanitation throughout the world in which bridges between technical content and participatory education have been built successfully. The following articles are included: "Editorial" (David Kahler, Bonnie Mullinix); "Women's Health Education and Adult Literacy in Nepal" (Cristine Smith, Chij Shrestha, and John Comings); "Getting Local Players into the Act: School and Community Collaboration on...
Publication type
- Journal articles (11)
- Reports (10)