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This report presents the proceedings of a seminar that brought together almost 30 intellectuals, artists, and development activists from eight African countries and Canada to identify the obstacles to peace in Africa and develop strategies to overcome them. One of the other purposes of the seminar was to develop elements of curriculum and instructional materials for peace education and action plans for selected target groups of adults and other special groups. The report features seminar...
Discusses achievement motivation among distance education students, and describes a study of Kenyan primary school teachers enrolled in an in-service training course taught primarily through correspondence. A modified Thematic Apperception Test will be used to determine the correlation between achievement motive and performance score in written assignments. (LRW)
A series of two 2-week workshops was conducted in East Africa in 1987 by the German Foundation for International Development to assist educators in the development of instructional materials for distance and adult education. These workshops were designed to: (1) bring together writers of distance education materials to share their experiences and learn together; (2) build a core of experienced distance education materials designers and writers who would disseminate their skills throughout...
The purpose of this manual is to make available to adult educators and field extension workers in Kenya resource material that may be used in formal and nonformal training programs for the environmental education of a wide range of target groups. The document begins with a 26-item glossary, an introduction, a section on the document's use, background and context material, a philosophy and rationale section, and a section on perspectives on adult education. Thereafter come four sections that...
This book discusses the relationship between human rights and education. Education is discussed both within the context of human rights, and as the ultimate sanction and guarantee of all human rights. Part 1, "Education as a Human Right," is comprised of the following chapters: (1) "Human Rights and Education: An Overview" (D. R. Ray; N. B. Tarrow); (2) "Rights of Access and Equal Opportunity: Focus on Sub-Saharan Africa" (W. M. Rideout, Jr.); (3) "The Right to Education Free from...
This report contains one man's impressions of the state of adult literacy education in several countries of Africa and in India. The first country reported on is Ethiopia, where signs of a capitalist society were evident in that officially Marxist country, where literacy education was still a priority in the midst of a waning famine. Ethiopia had conducted continuous "campaigns for literacy" that had succeeded despite lack of resources. Next, the planning for a literacy broadcasting system...
Compares African children's stories with Kenyan primary school literature with regard to structure, use of characterization, forms of dramatization, and social contexts of storytelling. Argues that school texts, published mostly by multinational firms, have been adapted to only surface characteristics of African cultures. Proposes that features of oral tradition be incorporated into language-arts materials for cultural maintenance purposes. (KS)
This report, written in popular education style and designed to be readable both by adult educators and by the people with whom they work, describes a week-long meeting of the World Assembly of Adult Education. Under the general themes "Where are we?""Where are we going?" and How to do it" the report provides synopses of the reports of 17 working groups on the following topics: peace and human rights, popular theater and communications, participatory research, rural adult education, adult...
Focusing on the education of young children in Kenya, this brief paper contains excerpts from a question and answer interview between two early childhood educators from the United States and Kenya. Both similarities and differences of the Kenyan and the U.S. system of education are revealed. Interview topics covered include the following: socially respected professions; educational theories and philosophy; beginning reading instruction; teacher/pupil ratios in classrooms; compulsory school...
The extent to which the educational system reaches women in Kenya will in some measure dictate the pace of national development. Data indicate that significant progress was made in the area of education for Kenyan women during the 1975-1984 decade. This was particularly so at the primary school level where near-parity was achieved in the enrollments between boys and girls, and, to a lesser extent, in the adult literacy role for women. There are, however, regional disparities and significant...
Concerned primarily with interactive radio for instruction, this issue highlights radio projects in developing countries that have proven to be a successful tool for educational development. These include: (1) an experimental project designed to investigate the feasibility of using radio as a medium of instruction in the teaching of elementary school mathematics, used in Nicaragua from mid-1974 to early 1979; (2) the Radio Language Arts Project, a direct follow up to the Nicaraguan Radio...
The following papers were produced by participants and resource persons on specific issues of planning, management and implementation of literacy and post-literacy strategies: "People's Participation and Mobilization: Characteristics of the Literacy Campaigns in China" (Yanwei); "Strategies for Mobilization and Participation of Volunteers in Literacy and Post-Literacy Programmes: The Case of Nicaragua" (Grigsby); "Motivating the People to Participate in Literacy and Complementary Education...
Many countries have recently launched massive programs to promote nation-wide adult literacy, but while these efforts have been commendable, it has been observed that neo-literates who acquire literacy through such programs have great difficulty in retaining it; hence an urgent need to develop suitable programs of post-literacy and continuing education has been felt. In 1980, Unesco's Institute for Education initiated a major research project designed to respond to this need. The research...
This document contains the report and edited papers from an international seminar emphasizing the sharing of ideas and resources to eliminate illiteracy. Chapter I of the seven-chapter report offers background information and seminar objectives. Chapter II provides a world overview, which describes the general development context of literacy. In chapter III, emphasis is on literacy in context. The role of national governments in eliminating illiteracy, the correlation between literacy and...
Discusses several conditions that hamper the application of distance education in Kenya and describes three distance education programs that have been planned and executed since 1980 to illustrate what is presently being achieved. Programs include an inservice course for primary school teachers, a foundation course for adult literacy, and a paramedical training course. (MBR)
Four papers on the role of libraries in adult education were presented at the 1984 IFLA general conference meeting of the Section on Adult Education. They include: (1) "The Library of the Pompeia Leisure Centre, Sao Paulo, Brazil," in which Apaty Peroni of Brazil provides background on the community, location, collection, personnel, operation, and programs of the library; (2) "The Promotion of Reading Habits and Adult Education in Kenya," in which Peter E. Kinyanjui of Kenya presents the...
The 1984 volume of the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) newsletter includes articles on language competence and cultural awareness in the United States; interest in English in Peru; employment trends; the case method in adult English as a second language (ESL); evaluating computer assisted instruction; the "sakura" technique; writing and editing instruction; practice teaching; ESL literacy; second language learning theory and writing instruction; part-time teaching...
Publication type
- Journal articles (52)
- Reports (31)
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
Between 1950 and 1959
- 1954 (1)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (12)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (19)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (53)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (35)
Between 1950 and 1959