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Presents the author's assessment of the educational system in Kenya. Difference between private and public schools in the country; Efforts of authorities in education to establish the Kenya Reading Association; Aim of promoting literacy in the country; Publishing efforts.
Interactive radio instruction has gained attention as a low-cost means of improving the academic achievement of primary school students. The Radio Mathematics Project in Nicaragua and subsequent programs developed by the Learning Technologies for Basic Education (LearnTech) Project illustrate the evolution such programs have undergone as technology and society have changed. The term "interactivity," was used to characterize the simulated conversation of radio broadcasts in which students...
Interactive radio is a technique to promote active listening to educational radio programs targeted at students and teachers in Third World countries. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has supported interactive radio in Africa, Asia, and Latin American to provide supplementary training to students with poorly prepared teachers. An example was a language arts program in Kenya, where evaluators concluded that radio students were consistent in their statistically significant...
Women comprise more than seventy per cent of those enrolled in the Kenya literacy programme. The reasons for this include: the limited formal educational opportunities available to females; the demands of a changing economy which have forced women to acquire extra responsibilities outside the home; the socializing opportunity made possible by literacy class attendance; flexible work schedules; and cultural beliefs which in some Kenyan communities discourage men from enrolling in the same...
The three 1993 issues of the newsletter "Development Communication Report" focus on the use of communication technologies in developing countries to educate the people about various social issues as well as the field of development communication itself. Agricultural communication is the theme of the first issue which contains the following articles: "Development Support Communication and Agriculture: The Road Ahead" (Silvia Balit); "Mobilizing Villagers to Action: Communication for...
This book is a briefer, simpler popular edition of "Militarism and Peace Education in Africa." It is intended to interest the African peoples in the problems of peace and allow them to discuss and debate the issues of militarism and peace for Africa and to suggest solutions. It is also intended to interest leading organizations and people working at the grassroots level in urban and rural areas in problems of militarism and peace education. The first two chapters show how, in former times,...
Examines reasons for high representation of women and factors influencing their persistence in Kenya's literacy programs. Considers the limited formal learning opportunities available, economic demands, women's multiple social roles, inadequate learning environments, unqualified literacy teachers, and the impact of a male-centered society. Provides suggestions for sustaining women's motivation in literacy programs. (18 references) (CA)
A research project in the Ivory Coast, Kenya, and Tanzania evaluated the cost effectiveness of management training seminars for women entrepreneurs in the informal sector. Women, a large and growing part of entrepreneurs, had less access to needed resources, skills, and information than men. Reasons for failure to study the cost effectiveness and efficiency of development assistance included lack of clear concepts, methodologies, and standards. Grassroots management training seminars were...
Around the world, women suffer oppression to various degrees. In the United States, they have a difficult time rising in corporations or having their ideas taken seriously. In some other countries, they are abused and overworked. Some women in Norway are concerned that their country's entrance into the European Community will mean an end to the humanitarian and egalitarian nature of their country. Women in the former East Germany feel they have lost more than they have gained in some cases,...
The geo-demographic, economic, and infrastructural makeup of 12 African countries (Botswana. Gambia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe) were compared to determine the potential benefits to them of a Commonwealth of Learning (COL) distance education initiative. Data were collected on six criteria regarding suitability for such initiatives: developmental need, geographic and demographic features, government priorities,...
The case studies described in this book provide examples of initiatives illustrating the role of adult education in development and its contribution to the process of change in developing countries. The book is organized in five sections. Case studies in Part 1, "Health Education," illustrate the links between primary health care and adult education: use of traditional knowledge to develop confidence and initiate change (Peru); training without written texts (Nicaragua); working through...
Since 1987, many activities have been undertaken by the African Association for Literacy and Adult Education (AALAE). Perhaps the most important program activity has been the building of institutional capacities in the adult education movement. Important elements are organizational development, networking and solidarity, management development training, and small grants. Networks have been instituted to help members develop and implement programs. Under the Catalytic Initiatives Program,...
Commonwealth Ministries of Education were asked to report on how they are undertaking the improvement of the quality of basic education in their respective countries. The papers in this volume focus on: (1) Brunei Darussalam; (2) Canada; (3) Kenya; and (4) Uganda. Charts and statistical data support each country's report. (EH)
Scouting is an expanding worldwide youth movement, with more than 16 million members in 169 countries and territories. Its goal is to contribute to the physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual development of young people. Since participation in development is one of the cornerstones of their program, scouts cannot ignore the challenge that literacy represents for them. Properly trained and organized, scouts can undertake literacy and reading promotion programs, and they can help create...
Publication type
- Journal articles (11)
- Reports (10)