Scouts Serving the Cause of Literacy. Literacy Lessons.

Resource type
Scouts Serving the Cause of Literacy. Literacy Lessons.
Scouting is an expanding worldwide youth movement, with more than 16 million members in 169 countries and territories. Its goal is to contribute to the physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual development of young people. Since participation in development is one of the cornerstones of their program, scouts cannot ignore the challenge that literacy represents for them. Properly trained and organized, scouts can undertake literacy and reading promotion programs, and they can help create an environment in which this new knowledge can be used. Scouts do not embark upon literacy activities in isolation, but rather in cooperation with the authorities and other specialized organizations. Scouts are carrying out extensive literacy programs in Indonesia, where they are involved in literacy training, study centers, vocational training, and other programs. They also have taken advanced training courses and are applying their skills to literacy training in Haiti. In India, young scouts and guides participate in literacy projects within the framework of the National Adult Education Program. They have also been involved in literacy education programs in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Senegal, Benin, Zaire, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Bolivia, and Saudi Arabia. The scouts have published a series of four pamphlets to help other scout groups gets started in literacy work. (KC)
Report Number
Report Type
Reports - General
an: ED321038; docTypes: Reports - General; pubTypes: Report;
Moreillon, J., & International Bureau of Education, G. (Switzerland). (1990). Scouts Serving the Cause of Literacy. Literacy Lessons. (Reports - General No. ED321038).
Publication type