Announcing: Data-Driven Decision-Making Mapping in Education – Development Gateway: An IREX Venture – Data and digital solutions for international development.

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Announcing: Data-Driven Decision-Making Mapping in Education – Development Gateway: An IREX Venture – Data and digital solutions for international development.
Development Gateway: an IREX Venture (DG) and IREX, in partnership with the Hewlett Foundation, are pleased to announce a new research program supporting data-driven decision-making in education in East and West Africa. This two-year, $300,000 project to map education data and decision ecosystems in Kenya and Senegal will focus on the variety of administrative, census, and survey data collected to implement and monitor primary and secondary education. The goal is to holistically understand the barriers to more effective data collection, sharing, interoperability, and use. By understanding the barriers, we can better design support for more robust education data ecosystems that drive better learning outcomes.
Blog Title
Development Gateway: An IREX Venture
22/09/2022, 14:20
29/11/2024, 10:48
Short Title
IREX. (2022, September 22). Announcing: Data-Driven Decision-Making Mapping in Education – Development Gateway: An IREX Venture – Data and digital solutions for international development. Development Gateway: An IREX Venture.