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Focuses on the educational development in Kenya. Decline of the educational standards; Decrease in the number of enrollments and completions in both primary and secondary education; Disparities in the regional basic education of the country.
What are the most efficient means to ensure basic learning competencies for a high number of children? This question is analyzed on the basis of the exceptionally rich data set provided by the "Program on the Analysis of Education Systems" (PASEC), standardized and comparable for the five countries Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Madagascar and Senegal. A Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM) is used to assess the individual, school level, and national characteristics determining...
This article reports on a study of classroom interaction in Kenyan primary schools carried out as part of a national baseline study for the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development in 1998. The baseline was designed to provide a comprehensive picture of the quality of primary education so as to allow the Kenyan Government to prioritise expenditure on resources to improve education in the republic and to assess the impact of any interventions. Video recordings of 102 lessons in...
Reports on a study of classroom interaction in Kenyan primary schools. Analyzes video recordings of 102 lessons in English, mathematics, and science using systematic observation, discourse analysis, and a time-line analysis. Reveals the preponderance of teacher dominated lessons with little opportunity for student interaction. Considers educational needs of Kenyan teachers. (CAJ)
Chapters in this volume include the following: "Co-Constructing School Safetime: Safetalk Practices in Peruvian and South African Classrooms" (Nancy H. Hornberger, J. Keith Chick); "Codeswitching and Collusion: Classroom Interaction in Botswana Primary Schools" (Jo Arthur); "Language and Educational Inequality in Primary Classrooms in Kenya" (Grace Bunyi); "The Contradictions of Teaching Bilingually in Postcolonial Burundi: From Nyakatsi to Maisons en Etages" (Lin Ndayipfukamiye);...
The Southern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ) is a consortium of ministries of education in southern Africa. This bound report--one of seven--presents the research results and policy suggestions that emerged from implementation of SACMEQ's initial educational policy research project. The report looks broadly at five areas of policy concern: (1) baseline data for selected inputs to primary schools; (2) how conditions of primary schooling compare with the Ministry...
These four issues include the following articles: "Cheke Holo Orthography: Local Tradition Clashes with a Linguist's Concerns" (Freddy Boswell); "Avoiding Tone Marks: A Remnant of English Education?" (Mike Cahill); "Nontraditional Education among the Iranun, a Malaysian Ethnic Minority" (Karla Smith); "Learning Well: The Socioliteracy of Some Incipient Literate Women in a Ghanaian Community" (Merieta Johnson); "Training National Partners for Leadership: Priorities for Training as Capacity...
Publication type
- Journal articles (2)
- Reports (2)